Wednesday, November 3, 2010

SGA UPDATE for Friday, 10/22/10

TouroCOM café
-The new vendor on the 4th floor is officially open. They offer a variety of breakfast, lunch and snack
options. They want to cater to our needs, as we are their only clientele. Suggestions are encouraged
(pricing is out of our hands). Weekly specials will be appearing in our updates. Hours have not been
set in stone yet. Weekdays: 7:30 am- 6ish. Weekends hours will be set based on demand; they want to
work with our exam schedule and stay open the days students need them. Also there will be a discount
if students add money to the meal card option. Stay tuned for more information to come.

SSP Coffee Mugs
-The café is offering a discount to all those who have the TouroCOM spill-proof mug. Refer to SSP’s
email for more information.

SGA Meeting Summary- Oct19
-Committee updates:
-Community service- Dan Choe
-Reminder: all clubs must complete at least one service activity. It must be signed off by
Dan, admin and SGA.
-Student services- Victoria Edwards & Michael Hoffnung
-IT is developing a program that will allow test viewing without some of the restrictions
students have now.
-Color printer may be available in the near future.
-Activities- Percy Huggins & Ellen Wasserman
-Ice skating/possible holiday shindig details coming up
-Winter formal is pushed back to beginning of January
-Facilities & Technology- Benson George & Matt Mavissakalian
-Please email FAQ ideas for TouroCOM’s website.
-Academic and Professional Development- Alyssia McEwan & James Haug
-Recruitment- Kristen Viccora
-Senator updates- Class issues were brought up and noted.

San Francisco Conferences
-There are various conferences (COSGP, SOSA, SSP, etc) in San Francisco this weekend. To all those
attending, please add your name to the form. We would like to get together for a TouroCOM dinner.

Have a great weekend everyone!