Wednesday, November 3, 2010

SGA UPDATE for Friday, 10/29/10

COSGP Update
COSGP is the Council of Osteopathic Student Government Presidents and it is the group that represents
all osteopathic medical students.

Topics we addressed were:
• COMLEX/NBOME (National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners)
o Remember, COMLEX is not JUST the USMLE with OMM. It is designed differently!
o Use the COMSAE exams on the NBOME website. They contain actual COMLEX questions
that have been retired!
o Find out all kinds of information about the COMLEX tests on the NBOME website.
• Resident Duty Hours
o With the recent change in ACGME rules around intern/resident duty hours, the AOA is
considering changing to a similar standard.
• Check out the COSGP website for links to all kinds of useful interesting things:
• An AACOM resource that might help you with COMLEX/OMM is a free resource called The
Glossary of Osteopathic Terminology. The link is below:
• Updates from every COM and so much more! We will make sure to distribute information to
different students/clubs.

Study Room Cleaning and Availability
We’ve heard you loud and clear! In response to your concerns and complaints we are coordinating with
Building Services to clean out and clean up the study rooms!

Please remove all personal belongings from the study rooms by 7pm Wednesday 11/3/10. As a courtesy
to other students please keep your personal belongings in your locker or at home, any items left in an
unoccupied study room may be removed & thrown out.

Be ready to leave the room between 7-9 PM every night for a few minutes, because that is when
facilities come through to vacuum. Make their job easier and help keep our study rooms clean.

TouroCOM Club Calendar
Every event put on by a TouroCOM group will be on our TouroCOM club calendar, so check it often and
add it to your own personal google Calendar. Use this communication tool to make sure you don’t miss
out on an event!

TouroCOM Weekly Survey:
-Each week there is one new question that is asked. This gives us an idea of how many students are
interested in certain topics and what to pursue in the future. First and second years, please fill out your
surveys! We appreciate your feedback and it literally takes 10 seconds to do so. Thanks!
Here is the response to last week’s question:

Primary Care Skills Evaluations
-This is a reminder for 2nd years to fill out the PCS faculty evaluations. They are located under
assignments in your PCS folder.

Topics for Faculty Meeting
Our SGA president will be speaking at the faculty meeting next week. Please add any issues you would
like for him to address.